Thursday, August 28, 2014


I went bra shopping yesterday, every girl’s dream – Not so much. During these times I seriously consider moving & joining a South African tribe to just let the girls be completely free. NO ONE WANTS that here! Trust me, you don’t. So, I tried on about 10 different bras, all claiming to have this amazing lift or support. Give me a break! None of them met my girl’s standard. I did end settling for one that seemed to perk them up a bit.

Things that frustrate me about bras: They are undergarments! Why on God’s beautiful green & blue earth do they have to cost so darn much? I left the store with some basic cotton panties (because I don’t find panties to be sexy or pretty if I am constantly picking the wedge out of my butt), and 2 bras. TOTAL BILL $54.00 and that’s after the discount! Bras are so cheaply made, don’t do what they are suppose to do for very long. So, what if they are pretty, sexy or whatever (And for the gals that are a bit more blessed, pretty or sexy is a stretch)! Most guys want the goods under them and the bra ends up on the floor or swinging around on the ceiling fan anyways. I say to the BRA MAKERS OF THE WORLD: Make them better and affordable! I know you can.

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