Thursday, August 28, 2014

Farts are Funny.

I have no idea who will read my posts or if I will even keep up with this blog but I believe I have some life experiences I think are valuable enough to share.

My blog will be solely my opinion based on my values, upbringing, my experience and the experiences shared with me by others.  I promise to make you smile, make you cry, to bless you and offend you. You can agree or disagree and I won’t hold it against you.

This blog is my inner thoughts on EVERYTHING with the focus on women, men, and relationships. You never know what you are going to get. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

DISCLAIMER#1 : I don’t have it all figured out. My opinions are subject to change as I grow, learn and mature.

DISCLAIMER #2: For the sake of being honest, I am in love with Jesus. I want nothing more than to show you Him- the real HIM. While that is very true PLEASE GET THIS STRAIGHT: I am human and not all my thoughts are going to God honoring. They will show my evil, wicked humanness. It’s terrible, I know but guess what? That’s REAL!

DISCLAIMER #3: My opinions will be broad, in general, as a whole. I am not talking about you or judging you. If anything I am hoping to help you by being honest, raw, and REAL. I believe there is an exception to every rule. BUT if the shoe fits, if you are particularly offended on a subject, please check yourself before blasting me. I am definitely open to debate and will gladly listen while showing respect at the same time. If you forget along the way, see disclaimers #1 & #2.

Here is the short list of thoughts today.

1. I can’t proofread or edit my own writings. Wonder how many mistakes I’ll find after I post? I wonder how many others will find them, immediately! Wait, if I am typing is it still called writing?

2.  This is kinda scary, my inner thoughts, confessions, sins, convictions, soul opened and exposed. I am so going to lose friends over this, yet how refreshing.

3. Whelp, no time like the present. Let me offend any possible audience right outta the gate. Pardon my french:  Men are douche bags and woman are bitches! (I will discuss what I mean in future blogs).

4. Oh, Lighten up! Everyone farts (including you) and farts are funny. I don’t care who you are.

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